Available to order” products are products that are available from our suppliers in Japan.
How does it work?
When you place an order, we contact our suppliers within 48 hours to check their respective stock levels.
We have 4 weeks to secure your product and send it to our warehouse in France.
Waiting times may vary, please allow an average of 12 weeks before receiving your product at our warehouse.
Terms and conditions
-You can order both “In Stock” and “Available to Order” products.
We will stock in-stock products free of charge and your order will only be dispatched once all items are available.
-You accept the withdrawal of the use of its right of withdrawal by ordering products “available on order”.
If the pre-ordered product is delivered to us damaged, stolen or lost, a refund is possible.
-If the product cannot be secured, a refund will be made via a dedicated, time-limited voucher code linked to your order email address.
-We strongly recommend that you contact us BEFORE ordering an “available to order” product to check availability.
Notification of updates
When your “available to order” product is in transit as well as received at our warehouse, you will receive notification by E-mail.
We will be happy to inform you of any updates to your order via the “Contact” page or social networks.